Missions Policy

Wappinger, New York
December 8, 1996 – Updated November 27, 1998 to conform to Constitutional changes



Missions at Grace Bible Church shall be defined as those ministries occurring throughout the world that seek to fulfill the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20).

Fulfilling the Great Commission would include any of the following:

A.   Evangelization of the lost through the proclamation of the gospel. (Mark 16:5; Luke 24:46,47; Romans 10:13-15; 1 Corinthians 9:18-23).

B.   Making disciples (Matthew 28:19; 1 Corinthians 11:1 cf. Luke 6:40).

C.   Teaching Biblical doctrine (Mt. 28:20; Colossians 1:28; 2 Timothy 4:1-3).

D.   Church planting (Matthew 16:16-18).

E.   Church leadership development (2 Timothy 2:2).

F.   Church development (Ephesians 4:11-14; Acts 20:28).

G.   Translation and dissemination of the Scriptures (Nehemiah 8:8; Acts 2:8-11; Acts 10:13-17; Rev. 5:9).

While it is recognized that the physical and social needs of man may need to be met as part of a gospel ministry, the emphasis of missions is upon meeting the spiritual needs of man.


A.   To help achieve a clear sense of direction.

B.   To build confidence and cohesion in the total church ministry.

C.   To promote thoughtful evaluation of issues and avoid making haphazard or emotional decisions.

D.   To prevent confusion, inconsistency, misunderstanding, and hurt feelings.

E.   To insure better stewardship of human and financial resources.

F.   To insure accountability in the missions program.

G.   To define the relationship of Grace Bible Church to both the missionary and the missions agency.

H.   To inform Church members, missionaries, and agencies of the principles by which the Missions Committee operates.

I.    To help new Missions Committee members quickly familiarize themselves with the purpose, direction and operation of the missions program of Grace Bible Church.

J.    To help maintain consistency as Missions Committee members change.


A.   To set measurable goals by which the missions program can be evaluated.

B.   To maintain regular contact with the missionaries that are supported by Grace Bible Church.

C.   To care for missionaries on furlough.

D.   To educate the congregation about missions.

E.   To inspire and involve the congregation in as many aspects of the missions program as possible.

F.   To increase the congregations awareness of the needs of missionaries supported by Grace Bible Church and promote intercessory prayer for them.

G.   To maintain regular meetings for the purpose of prayer for missions and committee business.

H.   To identify, encourage, counsel, disciple and commend members of the congregation for missionary service.

I.    To recommend missionaries, agencies, special projects and ministries to the congregation for support.

J.    To prepare and administer the missions budget.

K.   To yearly evaluate missions efforts supported by the Church and recommend for continued, increased/decreased, or removal from support.

L.   To evaluate and update the Church’s Mission Policy.


Exceptions to this policy may be made after appropriate counsel has been sought and such exception(s) receive the approval of a majority of all voting members of the Missions Committee.

All policy statements shall be re-evaluated biennially (odd years) by the Missions Committee for the purpose of updating and revision. Such revisions shall be subject to approval by the Elders of Grace Bible Church.



A.   Elder Representative.

The elder that serves as a liaison between the Elders and the Missions Committee will be a voting member of the committee and may be an officer of the committee

B.   Voting Member of the Missions Committee.

A voting member may vote on all committee business and may be an officer of the committee. (Members who receive financial support from the current Mission Budget shall not vote on financial matters that may affect that support).

C.   Non-Voting Member of the Missions Committee.

A non-voting member may not vote on committee business or hold office. They may enter into discussion of committee business.

D.   The Senior Pastor.

The Senior Pastor of the church is a member of the Missions Committee.


A.   The Elder Representative shall be appointed by the Elders.

B.   Voting Members shall be appointed by the Elders from among themselves and the church membership.

C.   Non-Voting members are those who demonstrate an interest in missions by attending committee meetings.


A.   All voting members must be Active Members of Grace Bible Church.

B.   All voting members must be thoroughly familiar with the Missions Policy of Grace Bible Church.

C.   All voting members must be willing to help carry out the functions of the Missions Committee.

D.   All members must demonstrate a deep interest in missions.


All members of the Missions Committee are responsible to:

A.   Attend regular committee meetings, specially called committee meetings and meetings of any sub-committee they may serve.

B.   Maintain a regular prayer life, personal Bible study, and other aspects of growing in Christian maturity.

C.   Pray for missionaries that are supported on a regular basis.

D.   Maintain interest in communicating with supported missionaries.

E.   Be involved in supportive fellowship of the other members of the committee.


The number of voting members shall not exceed 15. The number of non-voting members is not limited.


A.   Voting members shall be appointed by the Elders according to the Church Constitution, Article VI, Section M.

B.   Officers of the Missions Committee shall hold their position for a term of one year from June through May. They may succeed themselves.

C.   Termination: Membership in the Missions Committee will be terminated for failure to meet the criteria of Section B-3, “Criteria for Selecting Members.” Termination of membership may also occur for failure to fulfill the responsibilities listed in Section B-4, “Responsibilities of Members.” All Membership terminations will be made upon the recommendation of the Missions Committee to the Elders.


The Missions Committee will meet monthly and as needed. Sub-committees will be formed to fulfill specific needs and meet as often as need dictates.


The quorum for conducting business shall be a simple majority of the voting members of the Missions Committee.


A. The Chairman.

The Missions Committee shall select from among its members a chairman, subject to the approval of the Elders. The Chairman will have the following duties:

1.    Preparing the agenda and presiding at all Missions Committee meetings.

2.    Responsibility and oversight in developing, coordinating, and administering the overall missions program in cooperation with the Church staff and the overall plans for the entire church.

3.    Responsibility for correspondence, contact, and coordination with missionaries, mission agencies, and other churches. (This may be delegated to others). Correspondence by church staff and others will be in consultation with, and copies given to, the chairman of the Missions Committee.

4.    Serve as an ex-officio member of all sub-committees

5.    Submit an annual report to the Elders.

B. The Vice Chairman.

The Missions Committee shall select from among its members a vice-chairman. The Vice-Chairman will be responsible to assist the Chairman as needed and shall substitute for the Chairman when he is absent.

C. The Secretary.

The Missions Committee shall select from among its members a secretary. The secretary will be responsible to record minutes of all committee meetings, keep records of minutes, correspondence, a list of current committee members, and a list of current Missionaries with current addresses and support levels.

D. Other Officials.

The Missions Committee shall select or the Chairman shall appoint other officers of the committee as needed to carry out the functions of the committee.


Other sub-committees shall be formed as needed to carry out the functions of the Missions Committee.


The Missions Committee requests the Elders to consider the needs and importance of this committee when considering the hiring of Associate Pastors.




Goals, as contrasted with purposes, establish the specific item to be accomplished, when, and by whom. To be true goals, they should be significant, achievable, measurable, and manageable.

The Missions Committee will set both long and short term goals by which the church’s missions program can be evaluated. These goals are to be reviewed annually as to achievement and practicality.


It will be the responsibility of the Missions Committee to take a lead role in communicating with and caring for Missionaries who are supported by this church who are in the field. Communication and care may be accomplished through:

A.   Sending church newsletters, bulletins, tapes, etc.

B.   A quarterly Missions Committee News & Prayer letter to be sent to all supported missionaries.

C.   Encouraging church groups and individuals to meet practical needs.

D.   Establishing an “adopt-a-missionary” program by which various church groups, families or individuals will become familiar with certain missionaries.

E.   Require that missionaries supported by Grace Bible Church send at least 3 letters per year to promote prayer and accountability.

F.   Encourage people traveling near missionaries supported by Grace Bible Church. to visit them.


It shall be the responsibility of the Missions Committee to take a lead role in the care of visiting Missionaries and Grace Bible Church supported Missionaries on furlough. The committee will help arrange for housing and other needs of missionaries on furlough or visiting.


It will be the responsibility of the Missions Committee to educate and inspire others in the area of world missions and to develop an increasing awareness of the absolute necessity of, and positive results from intercessory prayer for world evangelism and for our missionaries. These task may be accomplished through any combination of the following:

A.   Missionary Conferences and/or Mini-Conferences.

B.   Bulletin inserts.

C.   Display Boards.

D.   Missionary Books.

E.   A missions section in the church newsletter.

F.   Develop and/or promote missions education within the Christian Education program.

G.   Special presentations, prayers, announcements concerning missions from the pulpit.

H.   Encourage interaction between missionaries and the congregation (a) through letters or other media, (b) by visits from missionaries, and (c) by showing hospitality – potluck dinners, receptions, home stays, etc.

I.    Congregational missions projects, short and long term.

J.    Missions Committee members setting an example of involvement.

K.   Provide congregation with periodic updates of Missionary support levels.

L.   Encourage various church groups and the whole congregation to hold special times of prayer on behalf of missionaries.


It is the responsibility of the Missions Committee to identify, encourage, counsel, disciple, and commend members of this congregation for missionary service. In its recruitment efforts, the Missions Committee will:

A.   Urge prayer for God to call out those who should serve in missions.

B.   Promote missions education.

C.   Identify those in the congregation who have committed themselves for service, or give evidence of missionary gifts.

D.   Encourage participation in and provide support as possible for attendance of regional and national missions conferences.

E.   Provide literature and other media that informs about, and motivates for, missionary service throughout the world.

F.   Encourage involvement of young people and adults in short-term and other missions activities.

G.   Seek to counsel and guide those considering missions.

H.   Evaluate the overall Missions program and recruit missionaries according to its priorities.


It will be the responsibility of the Missions Committee to prepare the annual Missions and Missionary sections of the church budget. Preparation of the budget will be made in accordance with Section E of this policy and upon evaluation of each missionary or missions organization in the following areas:

A:   The faithfulness of the missionary or organization (1 Cor. 4:2; Luke 16:10,11).

B:   Their current support level and needs (1 Cor. 9:14; 1 John 4:17).

C:   Their continued adherence to the criteria for missionary support set forth in Section D of this policy.

The budget proposal will then be given to the Elders for their consideration and approval before being submitted to the congregation at the Annual Meeting.




Missionaries supported by and missions agencies working with Grace Bible Church shall be in agreement with its Doctrinal Statement and shall verify continued agreement in writing as requested. Any mental reservations shall be considered on a case by case basis.


A.   Independent Missionaries:

In recognition that missionaries are more effective under an established sending agency, it is the general practice of the Missions Committee to not support missionaries who are independent of such sponsorship and direction. A missions agency is a benefit to both the missionary and church. Independent missionaries will be given consideration only under special circumstances.

B. Specific Criteria for Missions Agencies:

The missions agency is seen as a very important partner with the local church in training, evaluating, supporting, and directing the missionary. It is important that the missionary is with an agency of high quality. Therefore, it is the policy of this committee to support only missionaries that serve under agencies meeting the following criteria:

1.    The Missions Agency shall be in agreement with the Doctrinal Statement of Grace Bible Church. A copy of the agencies Doctrinal Statement shall be kept on file.

2.    The Missions Agency shall be a member of the F.O.M. (Fellowship of Missions), or the E.F.M.A. (Evangelical Foreign Missions Association), or the I.F.M.A. (Interdenominational Foreign Missions Association), or the A.N.A.M. (Association of North American Missions). Agencies that are not a member of one of these associations will be given consideration only under special circumstances. Such an agency would then be evaluated individually as to their integrity and stability, principles and practices of operation, management, and benefit to the missionary. Such evaluations will be based on material from the agency, its reputation among other missions agencies, its reputation among supporting churches, its reputation in its field of ministry, and reports by those working with that agency.

3.    The Missions Agency shall be a member of the E.C.F.A. (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) or similar association. Agencies that are not a member of such an association shall provide the Missions Committee with a yearly audit report prepared by some independent accounting agency.

4.    A list of approved agencies shall be kept by the Missions Committee. This list will be updated and re-evaluated at least every year divisible by five (every fifth year). (See appendix).

C. Relationship between Missions Agencies and Grace Bible Church

The Missions Agency is seen as a partner with the local church. This committee expects to receive status reports and evaluations of the missionaries it supports. This committee will cooperate fully with agencies in evaluating missionaries and missionary candidates. This church will endeavor to work with agencies in producing well prepared missionaries.


A. Definitions:

1) Career Missionary: A Career Missionary is a candidate that desires to receive support from Grace Bible Church for a period longer than two years.

2) Short Term Missionary: A Short Term Missionary is a candidate that desires to receive support from Grace Bible Church for a period of longer than three months but shorter than two years.

3) Missionary Project Worker: A Missionary Project Worker is a candidate that desires to receive support from Grace Bible Church for period of three months or less.

B. Primary Considerations

The Primary consideration is the candidate himself and not the particular field of service. The Missions Committee wants to be assured of the personal integrity of the candidate; that he is acting in the will of God; that his ministry will be fruitful; and that he is capable of handling the task to which he is called. For this reason, this committee prefers some significant participation in Grace Bible Church’s program before undertaking support.

It is the general policy of this committee to consider for support only those who are serving, or expect to serve, under approved Missions Agencies (See D-2 above). Other candidates will be given consideration only under special circumstances.

Consideration for support will be given in the following order of priority:

1.    Those who have been active, regular members of Grace Bible Church for at least three years prior to candidacy.

2.    Those who have grown up in Grace Bible Church and were active in it, or who had been active members for more than three years, and though are not currently members because of marriage, schooling, job transfer, etc., have maintained contact with Grace Bible Church.

3.    Active members of less than three years.

4.    Children of missionaries supported by Grace Bible Church.

5.    Regular attenders who are active in church life.

6.    Former members.

7.    Those who have no connection with Grace Bible Church.

C. Secondary Considerations

While the candidate himself is the primary consideration, secondary consideration will be given to the field of service. Greater priority will be given to those candidates seeking to be involved in ministries of evangelism, church planting, leadership training or similar work. Ministries of mercy shall be considered if it includes evangelism. The field of service will also be considered in how it helps to broaden the perspective of Grace Bible Church in its world wide outreach.

D. Qualifications

All candidates must meet the following qualifications:

1. Demonstrate a consistent & strong Christian life.

2. Demonstrate a desire to participate in Missions by involvement in similar local opportunities – i.e. evangelism, discipleship, work projects, etc.

Short Term & Career Missionaries must also meet the additional qualifications of:

3.    Be an active member of this church or other church of like faith and practice.

4.    Demonstrated their spiritual gifts & proven their responsibility in using those gifts.

Career Missionaries must also meet the additional qualifications of:

5.    Been involved to a significant degree in a discipling ministry.

6.    Earned at least a Bible Certificate from a fundamental/evangelical Bible School or College.


All candidates will go through the following steps:

1.    Each candidate will submit the appropriate application to the Missions Committee

2.    The qualifications of each candidate will be initially evaluated by the chairman of the Missions Committee and the Senior Pastor.

3.    A copy of the application and a copy of the initial evaluation report will be distributed to each member of the Missions Committee not less than two weeks before the candidate will appear before the Missions Committee for a personal interview.

4.    The Missions Committee may then recommend the candidate to the Elders along with a suggested amount of support, (or in the case of Project Workers, recommendations on methods of raising support if other than from missions budget).

5.    The Elders may then veto, accept or modify the Mission Committee’s recommendation. The Elders may require the Candidate to appear before it.

Short Term and Career Missionaries must also proceed through the following steps.

6.    A report on recommendation prepared by the Missions Committee and approved by the Elders shall be sent to the congregation at least two weeks prior to a called business meeting.

7.    A candidate shall be approved for support upon receiving a positive vote from a 3/4 majority of the church membership present at a called business meeting. A designated representative from the Missions Committee shall be present to answer any questions. If the candidate is available, it is recommended that he be present.

8.    If the Missions Committee considers a candidate and does not recommend church support for the candidate, the committee shall inform the Elders of this action along with the reasons for not recommending the candidate. The Elders would inform the congregation as it believes is appropriate.




The Missions Committee shall annually prepare Missions Budget Recommendations based upon past budgets and future opportunities (See Section C-6). The Missions Budget Recommendations shall be submitted to the Elders of Grace Bible Church for their approval before being submitted for congregational approval at the Annual Business Meeting.


The amount of support given to any missionary will be based upon the criteria given in Section D, and the need of the Missionary. It is presumed that the Missions Agency will take into consideration factors such as size of family, cost of living, education of children, insurance needs, retirement plans, etc. when setting the amount of support needed. However, the Missions Committee will oversee the agency’s provision in these areas and may provide for special needs in these areas as they arise.

The amount of support received by a missionary will be a percentage of the total support level needed as set by the sending agency. In keeping with the church’s desire to be involved with its missionaries, all missionaries will receive a minimum of 5% of the total support needed. Missions agencies may receive any minimum amount decided by the Missions Committee. Missionaries who have been active in the ministry of Grace Bible Church may receive up to 25% of the total support needed. Other missionaries may receive up to 10% of the total support needed. (This policy provision is not considered retroactive to missionaries supported by Grace Bible Church prior to 1996).


A furlough is generally understood to be a leave of absence from field duties after a designated time of field service has been completed. The Missions Committee recognizes such a furlough designated by the sending agency and will continue support throughout its duration.

The Missions Committee also recognizes the need for some missionaries to take a study leave. A study leave is defined as a leave of absence from field duties for the purpose of additional study in preparation for future work. While the Missions Committee considers continuing education to be a responsibility of the sending agency, it will continue to support missionaries on study leave up to one year. Study leaves of longer duration will be considered on an individual basis.


It is expected that the Missions Agency will provide a retirement program for its missionaries. However, support may be considered for those who retire from missionary service because of age or ill health. Each case will be considered individually based on such factors as length of service, amount of support from Grace Bible Church, sources of other income, and financial need.


A. Support:

Grace Bible Church supported missionaries may not actively solicit additional support from individuals or groups in the Church. This does not preclude information on support needs that is circulated to the missionary’s general mailing list.

B. Correspondence:

The Missions Committee expects to receive a personal letter semi-annually, in addition to newsletters.


Grace Bible Church supported missionaries are expected to visit the Church while on regular furlough. The missionary will meet with the Missions Committee and report to the congregation by participation in various services and/or small groups as directed by the committee.


Support will begin when the missionary leaves for the field, or earlier, as determined by the Missions Committee.


Support may be terminated for causes such as failure to maintain the standards used to qualify for support (see Section D), specific incompetence, moral problems, failure to fulfill responsibility to Grace Bible Church as outlined in E-5, a change of assignment or agency affiliation, or full support from other sources,

For missionaries who are in good standing, support will cease at the end of an adjustment period of up to six months. This will allow a returning missionary adequate time to make adjustments and find other employment. For missionaries who are not in good standing, support will cease upon a date designated by the Missions Committee.

Support will cease at the beginning date of a leave of absence if other than a furlough or study leave as designated in E-3 above. Support for retiring missionaries will end when the sending agency designates them as retired. (See Section E-4 for exceptions).


Grace Bible Church shall provide for a percentage of the outgoing expenses at least equal to the percentage of support being given to the missionary. Additional funds may be provided as directed by the Missions Committee.


Missionaries and Missions Agencies will be evaluated yearly according to Section C-6. It is desired that as funds are available a minimum of a cost of living adjustment (indexed to the field of service) be given to all missionaries. Any increase or decrease in support will be based on the criteria given in Section C-6.


If a missionary supported by Grace Bible Church lacks adequate support, the Missions Committee will:

A. Alert the congregation to pray for this need.

B.   Evaluate the possibility of increasing regular support or give a one-time extra contribution.

C.   Commend the missionary to other churches for support consideration, if the committee and the missionary considers this advisable.


The Missions Committee may provide for funds to be used to aid college students who are preparing for missionary service. Such students would have to meet the requirements for short term missionaries (Section D-4). Aid would be given in the form of a scholarship to offset expenses of tuition, books and fees. The amount of a scholarship would be evaluated on a semester by semester basis.


A scholarship for a national student to study for the ministry may be considered under the following conditions.

A.   The student is recommended to the course of study by his home church.

B.   If the student studies abroad, the student purposes to return to his home country.

C. The student is recommended by missionaries that know him.


Missions project workers approved under Section D-4 shall raise funds as directed by the Missions Committee. The committee may grant up to 1/2 of the funds needed by the project worker from the Missions Budget.


Missionary speakers will be paid an honorarium from the missions budget, and/or a special offering will be collected from the congregation. The amount of an honorarium given will be in accordance with the general church policy on honorariums, plus expenses. The missionary may not appeal to the congregation for funds unless given specific permission from the Missions Committee.


The Missions Committee may from time to time present special projects or needs, above the budget, to the Church and encourage giving to them, both for the benefit of the project or need and as a means of missions education. Such special projects or needs will be submitted to the Elders for approval. Special projects or needs may also be funded by bequests or large one-time gifts.


Should a shortage of funds occur, the Missions Committee will:

A.   Not approve any new projects.

B.   Unite the congregation in prayer concerning the situation.

C.   Appeal for the needed funds as appropriate.

D.   Evaluate all missions expenditures and reduce or discontinue support for those things considered non-essential.

E.   Reduce or discontinue support to Missions Agencies.

F.   Re-evaluate all missionaries according to Section C-6 and reduce support levels as appropriate.


Funds from the annual missions budget that are not used by the end of the fiscal year are to be placed in the Discretionary Fund and then distributed as a special gift to supported Missionaries or projects as needed. Any designated funds or funds for special projects will be held over to be used on those projects.


A portion of the annual missions budget shall be designated for discretionary and emergency purposes. Special gifts may also be designated to this fund. Expenditure of such funds will at the discretion of the Missions Committee.


Any administrative costs incurred by the Missions Committee (i.e. Church Staff time, etc.) will be part of the general budget and not the Missions Budget. Other expenses such as missions education, missions conference expenses, travel expenses in visiting missionaries on the field, etc. shall be part of the missions budget.

A. Missions Education:

Includes purchase of books, tapes, etc. that will help educate the congregation on missions.

B. Missions Conference Expenses.

At the discretion of the Missions Committee, designated members of the committee may be sent to missions conferences with a portion of or all conference fees paid by the committee.

C. Visiting Missionaries in the Field.

The Missions Committee may designate a member(s) of the committee to visit missionaries supported by Grace Bible Church on the field. It may at its discretion pay a portion of or all travel expenses incurred.

D. Representation on Outside Boards and Committees.

If a member of the Missions Committee also serves on the an approved Missions Agency (see Section D-2), and that agency does not reimburse its Board members for expenses, the Missions Committee may at its discretion pay a portion of or all expenses incurred.


Gifts designated for use in approved missions work will be forwarded directly as designated. Gifts designated to unapproved missions work will be returned to the donor if possible, if not possible, these funds will be used to fund approved special missions projects as decided by the missions committee. Gifts designated to missions, but not specifically designated to a missionary, missions agency, or missions project will be treated as a general gift to the unified budget of Grace Bible Church. It should be noted however, that some designated gifts may not qualify for a donor tax deduction.

Glorifying God By Making Disciples Of The Lord Jesus Christ