Testimony of Kathryn Mergian

Kathryn’s Testimony:
I grew up in a Christian home with good Christian parents who taught me the values of being a good Christian and whom I should be glorifying God through my words and actions. When I was four years old, I remember sitting at my kitchen window with my mom when I became a Christian. I didn’t completely understand all the values of being a Christian at four years old but I understood that Jesus died on the cross for me to take away my sins, that He loved me very much, and that I needed a Savior. From that point on, as I got older, I began to understand more about the Bible and what I needed to do to please God and follow His commands. I started living my life for Christ and doing things that will please and honor Him, It is my hope, as I grow closer to Him, to strive to honor Him in everything that I do and to be a whiteness to other people round me.