Testimony of Karyn Jordan

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My Testimony . . . by Karyn Lynne Jordan

My testimony and walk with Christ, like that of many others, is an
illustration of God’s grace. My family attended church when I was growing up and
we were involved in many church activities. Although I accepted Christ in my
youth, I never learned how to have an intimate relationship with Him and never
knew how much He loved me. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any discussion of Jesus
or much sharing in of Jesus outside of church and in our home. It was taught at
church but never a part of our daily home life. Nothing spiritual was ever
discussed that I recall.

Why this affects some of us more than others, I do not know. My two younger
brothers never experienced the rebellion and floundering I did. I was lost and
empty and I felt unloved. I searched, but never found fulfillment until I found
Jesus the second time. I had come to a crossroads in my life and experienced
health problems. I also felt what could be considered a loss of hope. I believe
God allowed my health to be an issue to get my attention. Discouragement was the
main course of the day.

Through a wonderful course of events”€”prayer, people reaching out, and
circumstances only God could orchestrate”€”He led me step by step nearer and
nearer to Him. He prepared my heart each and every step of the way. A flight
attendant coworker and new friend invited me to visit her church and loaned me
her copy of Hinds Feet in High Places by Hannah Hurnard. After finishing it late
one night, I was down on my knees giving my all to our Lord and Savior, weeping
over my sinfulness and asking for forgiveness. I was so overjoyed to be in the
fold of Christ’s love and to be close to my Shepherd. It was an incredible
feeling of joy like nothing I had ever experienced.

Not only did God’s grace envelope me, it flowed through others to me. My
brothers, friends, and mother patiently allowed me to come alongside the Lord
according to His way and timing. They never pushed me or rushed me according to
their timetables. For this I am deeply grateful.

About a year and a half later I met my husband Bob. I have been told he has a
wonderful countenance. It put into words what I saw in him and felt him to be.
Today we have three wonderful children”€”gifts of God. Our deepest desire for them
is to know our Lord Jesus, not for our sake, but that they would experience the
joy themselves of having an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

A greater knowledge of and a closer daily walk with our Lord are my heart’s
desire. Having young children can be an oxymoron to this. It is difficult to
have time alone with God except in the darkness of night and early morning, yet
through them Jesus shows Himself daily to me in more ways than I can count. I
learn so much about God and myself in the simplest things of our daily life.
God’s goodness and faithfulness never let me down. I pray I become more faithful
and righteous to Him in return.