Youth Ministry Worker Policy
Grace Bible Church, Wappingers Falls, NY
1) Each worker involved in Youth Ministry will be knowledgeable with and
follow the Children’s / Youth Worker Policies and will complete and sign
the Participation Covenant and be approved by the Youth Ministry Director
prior to beginning any work with the youth.
2) Workers are to arrive a minimum of 10 minutes prior to the start the
ministry meetings or activities to make sure that final preparations of both
themselves and any facilities being used are completed and ready to receive and
welcome the youth.
3) Workers are to participate in the meetings called for them by the Youth
Ministry Director. They are also to attend any training classes as needed or
directed by Youth Ministry Director in order to improve their abilities in
ministering to the teens.
4) Workers are to take an active interest in the lives of the teens which
will include at minimum regular prayer for each youth they are working with and
follow-up contacts with those miss meetings. (This can be done by any method
effective in communicating to the youth such as phone calls, post-cards, letters
with any teaching materials, e-mail, personal visits).
5) Workers are encouraged to have regular contact with the parents of their
students in order to know how they might best assist the parents in teaching
their youth to know and follow the Lord. This is also an excellent way to
witness to non-Christian parents.
6) Workers are encouraged to make prior arrangements with an approved
substitute for planned absences as early as possible. They are to make sure the
Youth Ministry Director has been notified. If an absence will be due to illness
or other emergency the Youth Ministry Director should be notified as soon as
possible so that other arrangements can be made to cover their area of
7) "The Two Worker Policy" – A teacher with only one student but no other
worker present will join in with another class until there is an additional
worker or student. A single teacher may teach alone if there is more than one
student present, however, the Youth Ministry Director must be notified and
nothing must obstruct the view into the classroom from either the outside
windows, the door window or the video surveillance camera.
8) Discipline. A teen that disrupts is given three warnings. The first
warning is a verbal reminder of the policy. On the second warning they are to be
isolated to an area separate from the rest of the group for the remainder of
that activity or class time. On the third warning the youth will be sent to the
Youth Ministry Director who will talk to the youth and their parent / guardian.
A youth that reaches the third warning twice within a four week period will be
asked to not attend for a period of one month.
9) Safety. All activities will be done with the utmost attention given to the
safety and welfare of the youth.