Deacon Responsibilities

Policy on Deacon Responsibilities
Grace Bible Church  (Approved 7/7/24)

(To download a PDF version of this document – Click Here)

The Scriptures indicate the office of Deacon is that of a servant of the Church and helper to the Elders (Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3; Acts 6:1-6) and therefore are directly responsible to the Elders. Specific duties of the Deacons are defined by the Elders according to the needs of the church and are set forth in this Policy on Deacon Responsibilities. All ministry authority is retained by the Elders even when exercised through specific responsibilities entrusted to the Deacons. The church authority structure can be expressed in the following flow chart.

Jesus / Bible

↙ ← Elders → ↘

       ↙             ↙    ↓   ↘               ↘

Deacons ← Policies ↓ Policies → WSC / Deaconesses

↓ ↓ ↓

↓ ↓ ↓

↓ ↓ ↓


The following definitions will be applied to these phrases and terms used in this policy.

  • Maintain” = Responsibility that belongs specifically to the Deacons and may not be transferred to others.
  • “Implement” = A ministry area that needs to be started, revitalized or re-organized, but that work can be done so by those working under the Deacons.
  • “Supervise” = The specific ministry can be done by others under the supervision of the Deacons.

In addition to the responsibilities listed in the Grace Bible Church Constitution, Article VI, Section D, the Deacons shall:

  1. Organize themselves yearly after the Annual Church Business Meeting with a minimum of a chair, vice-chair and secretary (job descriptions below)
  2. Supervise all financial operations within the church. Includes following a businesslike method of bookkeeping and auditing and providing oversight of the Treasurer.
  3. Establish purchasing protocols and procedures and supervise their usage.
  4. Establish and maintain a long-range plan for those portions of the church operation for which they are responsible.
  5. Maintain regularly monitoring of church financial accounts and budget expenditures for financial health and fiscal discipline, and in conjunction with the Treasurer, provide the congregation with at least quarterly financial reports. They will inform the Elders of line items that are or may go over budget for their action. They will make recommendations for when expenses will require an amended budget approved at a corporate business meeting.
  6. Supervise the care and maintenance of the church grounds and property.
  7. Form subcommittees as needed to fulfill their responsibilities.
  8. Organize and supervise a Benevolence Ministry to meet genuine practical needs of those within the church family (Galatians 6:10).
  9. Under the direction of the Elders, assist the organization and implementation of various ministries to men.
  10. When there is not a Christian education director, supervise the Adult Sunday School classes
  11. Assist Elders as may be requested according to availability and ability.
  12. Supervise technology needs of the church including electronic equipment (purchase, replacement, repair), service contracts and what is needed to run our internet based ministries.
  13. Organize and maintain a rotating “service leader” schedule in which an Elder or Deacon will give the announcements, invocation and benediction at Sunday Morning Worship services.
  14. Assist the Elders in serving Communion

Job Descriptions

  • Chair: Organizes, sets the agenda and runs the meetings of the Deacons. Responsible to make sure reports for which Deacons are responsible are given at Church Business Meetings.
  • Vice-Chair: Assists the Chair in carrying out his responsibilities. Substitutes for the Chair when the chair is not available.
  • Secretary: Records, reports and distributes the minutes of the meetings of the Deacons.

Specific job descriptions for those handling specific responsibilities – grounds, building, financial, etc., can be written by the Deacons as they organize to fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to them in this policy

Glorifying God By Making Disciples Of The Lord Jesus Christ