Click here to download pdf of Children’s Ministry reopening – summary of requirements
Summary of NYS Requirements
In Preparation for reopening Children’s Ministry at Grace Bible Church
This is a summary of the applicable sections of the “Day Camp” and “In-person instruction” materials from NYS and ancillary support documents. The materials are very redundant, yet often non-specific with many exceptions to the general requirements. Church activities seem to fall better into the “day-camp” category instead of a “school” description. Both have nearly the same requirements. Please note that these requirements can be changed by NYS arbitrarily at anytime. As existing on July 31, 2020, the regulations can be summarized as below. Note that “italics” indicates quotes from NYS documents. (GBC Protocol is in Gabriola font)
A) Physical distancing
General rule: Maintain the distance of 6 feet in all directions as much as possible at all times.
Employees are to maintain a distance of at least six feet from other employees at all times, unless safety or the core activity requires a shorter distance.
Exceptions: *Household members
- When a mask / face covering is used
- See F) below for caring for young children
(GBC Protocol – follow the General Rule allowing for the exceptions)
B) Masks
- Wear mask / face covering whenever the 6 ft distancing cannot be maintained. This includes areas when it can be reasonably expected that someone may suddenly enter so as to reduce the distancing – i.e. common areas, hallways, bathrooms, etc.
- Acceptable face coverings include but are not limited to cloth-based face coverings and disposable masks that cover both the mouth and nose.
- Face coverings should not be used by children under the age of 2,
- Those that are not yet in kindergarten do not need to wear face coverings when they are in child care or day camp program facility or area
- Older children/campers are encouraged but not required to wear face coverings as feasible.
- Those for whom such covering would impair their health or mental health
- When such covering would present a challenge, distraction or obstruction to the child care or day camp program.
- Children/campers are not required to wear a face covering when utilizing the outdoor space that belongs to and/or is exclusively used by the child care or day camp program.
- Those who maintain the six foot spacing distance
- When seated to receive instruction
Recommended: A face shield for those that cannot wear a mask / face covering over the nose and mouth
(GBC Protocol – the type of mask used is to be determined by the individual. If the individual forgets his / her mask, one will be provided. We encourage the use of masks that will allow the individual to breathe well enough to keep blood oxygen levels near normal. Masks should be worn as in 1 above or be able to be put on quickly when in areas such as the hallway, common areas or bathrooms in which another individual may suddenly or unexpectedly broach the six foot distance. HIPA rules do not allow for any inquiry into specific medical conditions, so those not wearing masks will only be asked if they would like one or if a mask would impair them. Teachers / adult staff are to wear a mask / face covering / face shield unless the 6 ft distancing is maintained. Parents will be allowed to determine if their child will be required to wear a mask even if not required for the other children).
C) Cohorts / groupings
- Limit groups to 15 or fewer children, excluding staff, in a specific area (room) at any given time
- Groups are to have no or minimal contact with one another. They are not to utilize common spaces at the same time, to the greatest extent possible.
- Staff should not “float” between different classrooms or groups of children, unless such rotation is necessary to safely supervise the children
(GBC Protocol – we will divide children into separate cohorts anytime more than 15 are present)
D) Work / Seating areas / Rooms
- Staff work / seating areas should provide six feet spacing in all directions, or have physical barriers between work area, or use face coverings.
- Physical barriers may include strip curtains, cubicles, or other impermeable dividers or partitions
- Shared workstations must be cleaned and disinfected between users
- Occupancy must never exceed 50% of the maximum capacity of the space.
- Increase ventilation with outdoor air to the greatest extent possible
(GBC Protocol – clean and disinfect tables when utilized by different users. Assigned seating will reduce risk of cross contamination. Six foot spacing will be used since additional dividers are not practical at this time, but could be made & used if necessary. Existing room dividers can allow for small classes. Eight foot tables allow for one student at each end. We will have to experiment with how to make maximum usage of inside spaces. Classes can also be taught outside in good weather which allow for much more room for separating students. Those of the same household do not have to have six foot separation.
E) Drop-off / Pick Up procedures
- Maintain six foot distancing
- Parents/guardians are not permitted to spend an excessive amount of time in the child care or day camp facility.
- Recommended: Have staff receive the child at the beginning of the day and bring the child out to the parent / guardian at the end of the day in order to eliminate non-staff adults entering the facility or program area.
(GBC Protocol – Sunday School: children come with parents and families arrive at different times, so crowding at arrival will not be a problem. For special events and Kids 4 Truth, children can be dropped off at the designated door of the church and escorted by a staff worker to the appropriate location in the church. If it is an outside event, crowding at drop off will not be an issue since there is plenty of room outside to maintain distancing. Pick up will be at the designated location of the church with children escorted to the car by a staff worker so that parents do not have to enter the building.
F) Caring for Young Children
Recognizing that maintaining social distancing is not possible when caring for young children.
- Frequent and thorough hand hygiene for both staff and children/campers.
- Recommended: Wear a long sleeve overshirt or smock to facility changing of contaminated clothing. Keep long hair in an “up” position.
- Children should have multiple changes of clothing available. Contaminated clothes should be put in plastic bags to send home for laundering.
(GBC Protocol – the above will be followed in addition to our normal policy when nursery & toddler ministry resumes. At present, parents may utilize the nursery and toddler room with their own child).
G) Activities
- Prioritize activities that maximize social distancing (minimal person to person contact)
- Individual crafts
- Individual athletic activities
- Keep stable groups (cohorts) separated.
- Low risk group athletic activities include but are not limited too (these are on the NYS paper) * Cross country running. *Toss/bowl games such as horseshoes, bocce, bean bag toss. *Flying disc games such as disc golf, frisbee.
- Moderate risk sports include (these are on the NYS paper). *baseball / softball. Soccer. Gymnastics. Bike racing. Racket games (badminton, racquetball)
(GBC Protocol – The above will be followed for activities. Additional activities that meet the standard of moderate risk or lower will be added as needed. The playground equipment will be disinfected between cohorts of children using it.
H) Food Service
- Serve individual portions –
- Keep stable groups (cohorts) separated
- Separate tables by at least six feet
- Stagger meals / snack times between cohorts
(GBC Protocol – if food will be served as part of a children’s ministry program, the above guidelines (or whatever the latest guidelines for food service) will be followed in addition to the standard protocols for food safety in preparation and serving).
I) Hygiene, cleaning, & disinfection
Maintain hand hygiene stations (hand sanitizer) in main rooms, entrances, outdoor pavilion
Trash receptacles located in main rooms, entrances, outdoor pavilion, bathrooms, kitchen
Children and Staff are to practice hand hygiene (wash with soap & water or use sanitizer)
- Upon arrival
- Between program activities
- After using the restroom
- Before eating
- Before departing the last program activity
Rooms, tables, equipment (toys) are to be cleaned & disinfected before:
- Usage of facility (can be day prior or that morning),
- After programs that day are completed.
- If used by more than one cohort in a single day.
- If a child or staff member develops symptoms of illness
Restrooms are to be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis depending on frequency of use
A log is to be maintained of when the facility was last cleaned.
Note on Toys
- Children are not to bring toys from home
- Toys that cannot be easily disinfected (soft toys, dress-up clothes, puppets) should not be used
- Toys are to be cleaned before another child uses the same toy (nursery / toddlers)
(GBC Protocol – Hygiene, cleaning and disinfection is to be followed as above. Hand hygiene stations will be located at the entrances, in or nearby locations of gatherings whether inside or outside. The church is already cleaned and disinfected weekly. Those using the church during the week are responsible to clean and disinfect when they are done.
J) Screening & Testing
Stay home if you are sick or do not feel well
Daily health screening
- Temperature check upon arrival (must be 1000 or less)
- Screening questions:
- -General health assessment
- -Has the individual been in close contact with anyone who has or has symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
- -Has the individual tested positive or experienced symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
- -Has the individual traveled to an area of high incidence of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
(Signs of illness include: high temperature, flushed cheeks, rapid or difficulty breathing at rest, fatigue, extreme fussiness, stomach ache).
Children or staff who do not pass the health screening are to sent home or isolated until they can be picked up and taken home
(GBC Protocol -The above screening will be done for all children’s ministries)
K) Log Information
A log of those who participate in a program is to be maintained along with indication of any particular cohort they were part of for tracing purposes. (Note: By limiting children to cohorts, if a child does become ill, then only those in that cohort will be affected and not everyone in the whole program).
(GBC Protocol – A log will be kept for all children’s ministries)
L) Technology
Flexibility is recommended since regulations can quickly change. While in person instruction is preferred and encouraged, use of technology to facilitate a mixture of remote and in person instruction is advisable, and especially for those that may be in a higher risk category.
(GBC Protocol – teaching for children’s ministries that occur within the building will develop means by which to also include children that are not able to attend physically due to health considerations).
Groups that are not part of Grace Bible Church that conduct ministries for children on church property will agree to maintain these protocols as a minimum. They may institute their own protocols that are of higher standards for safety than these.