Educational Support

Grace Bible Church Educational Support

GBC Educational Support is a ministry of Grace Bible Church, Wappingers Falls, NY. This page will be used to post links to various ministries and activities of Grace Bible Church that will help families in the the education of their children.

GBC Educational Support  will have its own committee and sub-committees, but all of them will function under the authority of the Grace Bible Church Constitution and Elders.

Doctrinal integrity in education of children is a major reason for the creation of the ministry of GBC Educational Support. While we do not disparage other support groups which have a wide range of stated or unstated beliefs among their participants, we wanted to provide educational support that is without question Biblically Christian in its beliefs and educational orientation. For that reason, please read and be familiar with the GBC Doctrinal Statement that under-girds all that is done as part of GBC Educational Support. (See Link below). Please Note: If you do not want your children to be taught these doctrines, then this group is not for you.

Doctrinal Statement for GBC Homeschool Cooperative Ministry

GBC Homeschool Co-op Purpose & Goals

GBC CO-OP Code of Conduct

GBC Homeschool Cooperative Policies

Pastoral Reference Form

Click here to access our Homeschool Resource Page.

Glorifying God By Making Disciples Of The Lord Jesus Christ