How to Make Disciples: Jesus’ Example – Selected Scriptures

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Pastor Scott L. Harris
Grace Bible Church, NY
October 27, 2109

How to Make Disciples – Jesus’ Example
Selected Scriptures


Last week I gave an overview of Matthew 28:16-20. Please turn there again this morning. I would like to expand on this final section of the gospel of Matthew in which Jesus instructs the disciples on the future priority of their ministry and how to carry it out. Jesus did not leave heaven and become a man just so man could avoid eternal punishment in Hell. He came to break the bonds of sin and restore man back to the purpose for which he was created which is to glorify God and do His will. Jesus commands them to make disciples of all nations. This would ensure that each generation would hear the gospel message and be instructed in how to live for Christ.

Turn again to Matthew 28:18 and follow along as we review. Jesus said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 “Going therefore, make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. “

This commandment can be carried out because of who Jesus is, not because of who you are. He has all authority over all creation. In practical terms that means that He has the right to command you and you have the obligation to obey. It also means that even if you don’t think you are capable, He is able and will enable if you make yourself available.

The command itself is to make disciples which is accomplished by going, baptizing and teaching. We went over each of those elements briefly last week. It is our responsibility to go out to non-believers and tell them about Jesus, what He has done for them and how He wants them to live. Those who repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are to be baptized. And remember that baptism does not save you. It is an act of obedience by which you personally identify with Jesus and proclaim to the world that you are trusting Him alone for salvation from sin. If you have made a profession of faith in Jesus but have not been baptized by immersion, then you need to do so. Pick up the information sheet on baptism in the literature rack and then talk with me about it.

The third element in carrying out the command to make disciples of Jesus is teaching them to obey all things whatsoever He has commanded. A Christian needs to both know what the Lord has said and how to live according to His commandments, principles and precepts. The responsibility of teaching others to do this belongs to all believers and is actually a normal part of healthy church life as each individual Christian uses their spiritual gifts within the body. As Paul explains in Ephesians 4:12-16, it is as each individual part within the body works together that the whole body is built up and matures.

(See: The Great Commission: Overview)

How can you carry out this command in practical terms? It is one thing to say go and do it and another to actually accomplish it. Where do you start? How do you get the process going?

Remember that a “disciple” is simply a “learner,” a “follower of a teacher,” and being a disciple of Jesus is not an option for a Christian. The term “Christian” itself means “little Christ” or “Christ one,” and as Acts 11:26 states, it was the “disciples [who] were first called Christians in Antioch.” The Bible does not present people as being saved and becoming Christians and then later becoming disciples of Christ. In fact, it presents the opposite. You become a disciple when you begin to learn and follow Jesus after which you believe and place your faith in Him to be forgiven of your sins because of His atonement at Calvary and are saved. In other words, you become a disciple before you become a Christian. Or to put it another way, all true Christians are disciples, but not all disciples are true Christians (see John 8).

Jesus has not told us to go and save people – we cannot do that anyway – but He has told us to make disciples. Proclaiming the gospel in such a way that the other person may understand who Jesus is, what He has done, and how to be saved from sin because of that is the first element in making a disciple. That may sound simple enough, yet it is also the first area of failure in making a disciple.

The Failure of American Evangelism

Evangelism in America has changed radically over the last century. The preaching of the gospel has became increasingly man centered. Even churches that were doctrinally Calvinistic became Arminian in their evangelism. The goal of evangelism became how many you could “save” from hell and send to heaven. And in true American style, the quest was to do this as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The focus became getting the person to walk the aisle or raise their hands and then pray the prayer so that they would be saved.

The gospel message always becomes distorted as it is modified to appeal to man’s self centered nature. Humans naturally want to get what is good and avoid what is bad. In keeping with that, the gospel is then presented as either the means to escape hell or something else that is not wanted, or it is presented as the means to gain what is wanted, a “wonderful life,” however the individual defines that.

The gospel is also distorted by the American bent toward pragmatism. There is a tendency to do whatever seems to get results, but that is constantly modified as society changes or some new technique is developed. The old hellfire and brimstone preachers were able to use fear effectively into scaring people into a profession of faith. Charles Finney found ways to play on people’s emotions so that they would go forward and make a profession of faith. At the end of the Twentieth Century, what became known as the “church growth movement” developed techniques to market Jesus and salvation. This was a Madison Avenue approach in getting the person to make the purchase before they fully realized what they were getting. In evangelism, this meant gospel presentations would not talk about repentance from sin, a changed life or the lordship of Christ until after the person has prayed to receive Christ. Why? Because talking about such things might scare the person away.

At the beginning of this century, the marketing approach morphed into the emergent church movement because what interested people changed as post-modern thought became dominate. The absolute truths of the gospel had to be softened or removed so that people could still claim to be Christians while believing and doing what they felt like at the moment. Many of the churches in that movement became blatantly heretical. Others backed away from it as they saw where it was going. And others have morphed with the continuing changes in society.

More recently another shift has been in trying to make the gospel cater to the changing whims of society as the political correct values of the progressives, such as social justice, critical race theory and intersectionality, are pushed upon us. In the effort to be thought of as relevant by these sinners, churches are changing their doctrine and practice to accept what God calls abominations and espouse the utterly foolish idea that the amount of melanin in your skin is deterministic of your level of victimization. In short, the greater the melanin count, the greater the need for government intervention to assist, while those not so melanin blessed are automatically the oppressors who must be perpetually condemned as racists and oppressors regardless of personal or actual family history. Salvation is no longer forgiveness and freedom from sin, but rather freedom from oppression and freedom to be perverse.

What are the consequences of this type of evangelism? First, it contributes solidly to a drop in the percentage of professing Christians, the exact opposite of the supposed purpose of modifying the gospel. In just the last ten years, Pew Research Center reports the percentage of self-proclaimed Christians in the United States has dropped from 77% to 65%. A perverted gospel cannot convert a sinner to a saint, and identifying as a Christian is no longer politically expedient, so more and more are dropping any identification with what they recognize as hypocrisy.

Second, a perverted gospel cannot stem the tide of immorality and in some areas it opens up the flood gates and welcomes it. 65% is still a majority, and roughly half of those would also claim to be born again, yet this nation’s is still in rapid moral free fall. It was not many years ago that many of the sinful values and activities that are now celebrated by the press, social elites and some churches were still illegal. Some of these things could not have even been imagined when my sons were young.

This story is from 1990 when I was in Los Angeles, but the reality of it is even worse today. I was privileged to know a young man that had developed a great desire to reach the street people for Christ. Garrett developed a whole ministry to them. He would talk with them on the streets, preach in parks and even bring them to a special service we would hold for them that might be more “culturally relevant” by having more contemporary music and trying to use language more understandable to them. Garrett was able to talk with many street people and the alternative service was growing. For the most part, these folks seemed to pay attention to what he said. However, as time went on, he began to become discouraged and even a little angry. He consistently found that most of these street people – drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes and bums – had already heard the gospel with most professing to have “made a decision for,” “received,” or “accepted” Christ at some point, but it had made no difference in their lives. They claimed to already be saved, but there was no visible evidence of them following Christ.

Garrett wanted to know why the gospel had no power in their lives as it had his? What had gone wrong? He soon realized that these people would need more than he could offer by himself, but they were unwilling to come to any of the regular church ministries precisely because they did not want to change.

What had gone wrong? Simply put, these people were led to believe that they were “saved,” but they were never converted. Jesus had been marketed to them in some way that it brought an initial response, but when the whole truth about the gospel started to come through, they did not want anything to do with it. In a sense they were inoculated against the true gospel. A vaccine works because it similar enough to the disease without being the disease itself that the body develops antibodies that will fight the actual disease. These people were given something that was close to but not the truth resulting in a rejection of the truth when they were told it because they thought they already had it.

Someone, probably well meaning, had come to these people and in a great desire to see them saved from hell had persuaded them to respond to his invitation to receive Christ. That evangelist probably went away thinking things were wonderful and he had saved another one. I have found too many evangelists who love to boast about how many people were saved during their meetings. The tragic reality is that most of those supposedly saved were not. There was nothing to indicate a new relationship with God, a desire to learn of God and how to live for Him, or a desire to be with God’s people. They were led to believe they had a fire insurance policy against Hell, but there was no change in their lives. They were not converted. I know because I grew up seeing plenty of these kinds of revival and evangelistic meetings and rarely saw any lasting results from them. These people were trusting something they did – walked the aisle, raised their hand, prayed the magic prayer, got baptized, etc., – but they were not trusting Jesus Christ whom they did not really know. Believing they would escape hell and go to Heaven, they continued to do whatever they wanted instead of following Jesus to glorify God.

The Truth about Salvation

The gospel is the good news that God Himself by His grace alone has provided a way through faith alone in the person and work of Jesus Christ alone for the sinner to be forgiven and made righteous and adopted as a child of God. Salvation is from sin and its bondage to righteousness (Romans 6). Being saved from Hell is simply a benefit of being saved from sin. Condemnation to Hell is the consequence of being estranged from God due to your sin (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9). Heaven is the consequence of having the bondage to sin broken and being made righteous before God through Jesus Christ (Romans 4,6 & 8). The gospel message is about being reconciled to God and becoming a new creation because of Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17-18).

The gospel is an invitation to become a disciple of Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:24). It is in following after Jesus that a person learns about their own sinfulness, who Jesus is, what He has done and how that is appropriated to their own life through faith in Him. That is why Jesus’ command is for us to make disciples by going to all nations, baptizing them, and teaching them to observe whatsoever He has commanded. We invite men and women to Jesus, but He is the one that saves them. They identify with Him, and we teach them what He has said and train them to obey Him.

Jesus’ Invitations

As disciples of Jesus, we should strive to follow His example, and His pattern of calling people to Himself is quite different from much of what occurs throughout American churches today. Jesus made it easy to say no, and on occasion He even made it hard to say yes. Jesus did not market Himself, in fact, He usually did the opposite of that. He did not come with a quick fix for sin or an easy way to heaven. He did come inviting people to come know and follow Him. The pattern of the apostles was the same. I want to spend the rest of our time remaining showing this pattern to you in the Scriptures.

One of the first things we notice is that Jesus used the interests that people already had to invite them to come and learn more about Him. Jesus’ public ministry opens along the banks of the Jordan River near its southern end. John 1:35-39 records, “Again the next day John was standing with two of his disciples, 36 and he looked upon Jesus as He walked, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” 37 And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. 38 And Jesus turned, and saw them following, and said to them, “What do you seek?” And they said to Him, “Rabbi (which translated means Teacher), where are You staying?” 39 He said to them, “Come, and you will see.” They came therefore and saw where He was staying; and they stayed with Him that day, for it was about the tenth hour.”

We find out in verses 40-41 that one of these two men is Andrew and the other, not specifically named in the text, is John, as indicated by other evidence in the book. Both of these men had been looking for the Messiah to come. Now Jesus did not come up to Andrew and John and say, “I am the Messiah, follow Me.” Instead, when He found they were following Him, He asked what they were looking for and then invited them to “Come and see.” He let their interest in finding the Messiah be the basis for inviting them to spend the rest of the day with Him with the result that they would come to their own conclusion. Andrew became convinced that Jesus was the Messiah, so he went and got his brother, Simon, whom Jesus named Cephas or Peter after He had met Him. The next day, Jesus found Philip and told him to “Follow Me,” and Philip then went and told Nathanael. All of them then went with Jesus back to Galilee on the third day. (See: Jesus’ First Disciples)

When people are already interested in what you are offering, your task is easy, but note what Jesus did not do. He did not manipulate them or pressure them to “sign them up” for anything much less a lifetime commitment. Jesus simply invited them to come and spend time with Him. Any of them could easily have said no for a variety of reasons. Jesus let their interest be the basis for inviting them to learn more about Him. It was the start of a relationship between them.

Peter, Andrew, John, Philip and Nathanael were all from Galilee, so it was easy for them to agree to return there with Him. On the way back, they stopped with Jesus for a wedding in Cana which was Nathanael’s home town. It is there that they see Jesus’ first recorded miracle when He turned the water into wine. When Passover came, they go to Jerusalem for its celebration as they normally would have done in keeping the Law, but this time they made the journey with Jesus. As they traveled with Him, they learned more of Him, became more confident in Him, and more willing to do what He would ask. They would all return to their normal jobs for a period of time before Jesus thought they were ready and invited them to follow Him again and become fishers of men. (See: The Wedding at Cana & A Light Shining in the Darkness)

Following Jesus’ Examples

What I want to stress today is that this first level of discipleship is about sparking an interest in a person to learn of Jesus for the purpose that they might know Him and become followers of Him. Jesus took advantage of a person’s natural interest to invite them to learn of more of Him. We need to do the same.

Jesus would go to the synagogues where there were people who were interested in spiritual things and teach the Scriptures. His teaching prompted some to want to know more about Him and His teachings. Religious people are good people to invite to learn more about Jesus. Paul did the same thing in Acts 17 when in Athens. The Greeks were pagan, but they were also religious. Paul used that interest to tell them about the God who created them. Out of that came a few who wanted to know more about Jesus. Talk about religion with people. You will find some that will want to know more, and if they won’t to come to church service, have a personal Bible study with them. The gospel of John is a great place to start.

Jesus often used the various festivals and ceremonies of Judaism to proclaim to the people how He fulfilled it and invite them to come and learn more of Him (John 7, etc). We can certainly use the Christian religious holidays to tell people about Jesus and invite them to learn more. A major reason for special holiday services is because it takes advantage of natural interest in a holiday to invite people to come and learn more. You can talk about God’s blessing on this nation on any national holiday. You can even use holidays you may not like as an opportunity. Put gospel tracts in the bags of those kids that come around on Halloween, or be more bold by having your kids (or you) dress up as some Bible character and go out door to door giving tracts and gifts to your neighbors – reverse trick or treat.

Probably the area of people’s lives that gave Jesus the most opportunity to spark an interest in them to learn more about Him was His personal ministry of compassion to the sick and hurting. When people know you care, they will care about what you say. People are most inclined to change when they are facing a crisis in their life. Some people will never look up to heaven until they are on their back. Many people are reluctant to trust God until they have no other choice. Nursing homes, jails and community service present great opportunities if you are ready and available to show the compassion of Christ to others.

What was it in Jesus that attracted people to want to know more about Him? He was different. He had something others wanted. He was calm, peaceful and confident about the future. He was wise, gentle and kind. He was trustworthy, consistent and uncompromising. He was encouraging – even when rebuking and correcting an errant disciple. Jesus has a relationship with God the Father that no one else had, but it is a relationship that He offered to His followers. “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and make Our abode with him.” (John 14:23)

Do people see Jesus Christ in you? If they do, that will spark an interest in some to know more about Christ. You will be different from everyone else and they will want to know why.

Spiritual Lockjaw

There are two reasons that I believe are the major causes of “spiritual lockjaw” being a common malady among Christians. 1) Fear of what other people will think about you. 2) Your personal relationship with God is so feeble that you are not sure you have anything to tell them.

It is hard to tell someone about the “peace that passes all understanding” that comes from trusting God when you are fearful yourself. You cannot point out the wonder of God’s creation when you do not recognize His handiwork yourself. It is hard to bring comfort to a hurting person when you unsure about what it means to be comforted in Christ yourself. It’s impossible to tell someone about the joy of being in a personal relationship with the God of the universe when you lack that joy yourself because you do not spend time in His word, prayer and personal worship.

We naturally talk to people about the things that are important to us, so talking to others about Jesus should be a normal activity for those who have a personal relationship with Him. Your relationship to God should not be a separate subject to talk about, but one that intertwines with everything you do. If you talk about the weather, then talk about God’s power and control of what happens. When you talk about your job, you can also talk about God’s provision. If you talk about your family, then there is also opportunity to talk about God’s design for husbands, wives, parents, children. Talking about science is a perfect segue to talking about God’s creation and intricate design of things. Anything related to your senses can bring up God because He enabled us to perceive smell, taste, sight, hearing and touch, but he also gave us minds to interpret and appreciate them. Each sense contributes enjoyment in life: aromas, food, beauty, music, a hug and a kiss. Talking about history should bring up God’s providence for history is in all reality His-story. Politics is a common topic, but so should God’s sovereignty and moral directives to all nations. A major reason for our current political problems is that God is almost always left out of it. If you talk about the news, then try to include a godly perspective on it including both warnings about God’s wrath on sin and thankfulness for His mercy to mankind. There is no subject you can talk about that God does not somehow figure into it, but do you talk about Him?

You do not have to have everything together in order to begin the process of making disciples of Jesus Christ. You simply have to tell others what you do know and invite them to learn more. Isn’t that what Andrew did to Peter, and then they did that to Philip, and then Philip did that Nathanael? All of them then grew together. You may not know Chronicles from Corinthians, but you can do that much. Invite people to come learn of Jesus with you.

If you recognize that you do have spiritual lockjaw because of one of the reasons I talked about, then you have some growing in Christ to do and it is time to start working at it. My challenge to you this morning is as follows:

1) Make sure that your trust is in Jesus Christ and not something else. How will you answer the question, Why should God let you into heaven? If it is because of anything other than by God’s grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, then you have a problem. If there is any doubt that you will be with Christ when you die, then there is a deficiency in our faith. Talk with any of our church leaders, or pick up the paper On Being a Christian from the literature rack and then talk to one of us.

2) Evaluate your personal devotional life with God. What is the nature of the time you spend in God’s word, in prayer and personal worship? If that is not happening, then it needs to start or be renewed. There are plenty of devotional guides that will direct you to read a Scripture passage, give you an application thought related to it and seek to prompt you to pray. Something like Daily Bread or Days of Praise are good places to start, but you should also press on to something like Daily Walk which will take you through the whole Bible. Eventually you want to get to the point you are reading and studying the scripture for yourself and being prompted by that to worship God and make changes in your life. That is the reason that on a rotating schedule I teach classes such as Bible survey and hermeneutics – how to study the Bible.

3) If you are afraid of talking to others about Jesus, then join one of our evangelism classes or talk with Dominic, our Minister of Evangelism, about how to overcome those fears. Some of it is becoming confident in what you believe and what to tell others, and some of it is going out with others to become confident.

4) Evaluate your level of fellowship with other believers. We grow best when we are being encouraged by other believers, and that happens in the context of fellowship. Be involved in any of our Bible studies or prayer groups. Get involved in a ministry with others.

5) Evaluate your service to the Lord. Do you know what your spiritual gifts might be? Are you using them? If you don’t know, start with something that interests you and see what the Lord does through you. When you serve the Lord, you help others grow in Christ, and you will find that the rest of the body will in turn help you grow.

6) Last, but certainly not least. Consider being personally discipled if you have not already. This is the opportunity to be mentored by someone more mature in Christ on the basics of walking with Jesus. This includes knowledge about the Lord, development of good devotional habits, and have a personal relationship with someone who will care about you, pray with and for you, and help you apply the principles and precepts of God’s word to your life directly as you share your lives together. Talk with either Ed Colón who is our coordinator for the men, or Diane Harris who is our coordinator for the women.

Jesus commands us to make disciples. The first step in that is going out to proclaim the gospel. Tell people about Jesus and invite them to learn more about Him. Pray for opportunities and open hearts of those you talk with. The more God is central in your life and thinking, the more natural and easy it will be for you to talk about Him whatever the subject might be.

Sermon Notes – October 27, 2019
How to Make Disciples: Jesus’ Example – Selected Scriptures

Introduction – Matthew 28:16-20

Jesus has authority over _____________- He is able to enable the incapable who make themselves available

The commandment to ___________________is fulfilled by in three steps: going, baptizing and teaching

The commandment applies to all Christians – ______member of the body is needed to be healthy and whole

A “disciple” is a _______, a follower of a teacher: Being a disciple of Jesus comes before belief & salvation

Making a disciple begins by going and proclaiming the __________so that others may believe and be saved

The Failure of American Evangelism

American evangelism seeks to provide quick & efficient means of ________from the bad and gain the good

American pragmatism further ______________ the gospel to gain visible results / popularity

Hellfire and brimstone preaching gave way to ______________ approaches to meet people’s felt needs

The emergent church movement sought to accommodate ______________ thought

Even “evangelicals” are now being ________________ by politically correct progressive values

Salvation is no longer forgiveness & freedom from sin, but rather from oppression & freedom to be _______

A perverted gospel cannot _________, so identification with hypocrites drops when not politically expedient

A perverted gospel cannot stem the tide of ______________ – and even adds to it

The ministry to street people could not progress because most already ____________ to be saved

A gospel that does not convert ___________against the truth since such people think they are already saved

A perverted gospel leaves people trusting in something ______________Jesus Christ, and therefore unsaved

The Truth about Salvation

The gospel is that salvation from _____comes by God’s grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone

The gospel is an invitation to learn of Jesus and ________Him that the individual may believe and be saved

Jesus’ Invitations

As followers of Jesus Christ, we should obey His commands and follow His __________ in doing so

Jesus used the interests of people to ____________ them to come and learn more about Him – John 1:35-41

Jesus used the interest of Andrew & John to find the Messiah to “come and see” to ___________ more

Jesus did not _______________ or pressure them

Jesus called them to greater _________________ only as they learned more about Him and were ready

Following Jesus’ Examples

Talk with others about their religious _____, and invite those who ask about yours to learn more about Jesus Use festivals and ___________ (secular and sacred) to point people to God’s character and work

Ministries of _______________ often open doors of opportunity to talk about Jesus’ compassion

Jesus’ character attracted people to Him, and the more you are like _________ , you will do the same

Spiritual Lockjaw

The top reasons are: 1) ________ of what others think. 2) Your personal relationship with God is feeble

It is hard to tell others about the benefits knowing & walking with God when you _______ that yourself

We naturally talk to others about what is ___________to us – so Christians should naturally talk about Jesus

God intertwines in everything in life, so you can talk about Him in _________subject: weather; job; family, science, senses, history (His Story), politics, etc.

Even a very new Christian can begin the process of making disciples of Jesus Christ by ________ others

Overcoming Spiritual Lockjaw:

1) Make sure that your trust is in __________________ and not something else

2) Evaluate your personal ______________ life with God

3) Overcome _________ – take an evangelism class or talk with our Minister of Evangelism

4) Evaluate your level of ____________ with other believers – and be involved

5) Evaluate your ___________ to the Lord and be active

6) Find a __________ to personally disciple you

KIDS KORNER – Parents, you are responsible to apply God’s Word to your children’s lives. Here is some help. Young Children – draw a picture about something you hear during the sermon. Explain your picture(s) to your parents at lunch. Older Children – Do one or more of the following:1) Count how many times are reference is made to evangelism. 2) Talk with your parents about how you can be involved in telling others about Jesus.

THINK ABOUT IT – Questions to consider in understanding the sermon and its application. What is the basis for being able to carry out the Great Commission? What is the command in the Great Commission? What are the three steps in carrying out that command? What is the individual Christian’s responsibility in each of these? What is a “disciple”? How has the gospel message changed in American since the beginning of the 20th Century? What effect has each of the following had on the evangelical message: Modernism; Marketing; Post-modernism; Progressive political correctness? How have these changes affected the percentage of self-proclaimed Christians in the United States? The moral character of society? How could a perversion of the Gospel make it more difficult for someone to believe the true gospel? What is the Biblical Gospel? What is the relationship of the Gospel to making disciples of Jesus Christ? In John 1:35-41, how did Jesus use the interests of Andrew and John as an initial step in making them His disciples? How did the time traveling with Jesus prepare them for His later invitation to follow Him and become fishers of men? How did Jesus use each of the following in telling others something about Himself and inviting them to learn more: Religion; Ceremonies & Festivals; acts of Compassion? How can you use those same things to talk about Jesus and invite them to learn more? Give examples in each category. How important is being like Jesus in sparking the interest of others in Jesus? What are the two man reasons Christians are hesitant to tell others about Jesus? What could you tell others about God in each of the following subjects that might come up in a conversation: Weather; Work; Family; Science; Senses – smell, taste, sight, hearing and touch (aromas; food, beauty, music, a hug); History; Politics? Why should God let you into heaven? What would happen to your soul if you died today? If do not believe you would go to heaven or you are uncertain about the answer to either of these last two questions, talk your pastor or ministry leader as soon as possible! How can you overcome fear in talking to others about Jesus? How would you rate your devotional life? If it is not what you would like, what needs to change? What is your level of fellowship within the church? How well do other believers know you? If that needs to improve, what should you do? How are you serving the Lord currently? How would you like to serve Him? What do you need to do to serve Him as you would desire? Do you have a spiritual mentor in your life?

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