Jesus Came for Sinners – Luke 5:27-32

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Pastor Scott L. Harris

Grace Bible Church, NY

September 15, 2013

Jesus Came for Sinners

Matthew 9:9-13; Mark 2:13-17; Luke 5:27-32


One of the things we must always keep in mind when we are studying or even just reading the Scriptures is that context is king. We must understand the context if we are to understand what the passage means. This morning we are going to look at a passage of Scripture that has been the basis for many preachers for sermons which were isolated their setting. The story of the call of our Lord to Matthew to follow him and the resulting change in Matthew’s heart as seen by the feast he gives so that Jesus can speak to all of his friends has been the basis of some very motivating sermons. Jesus’ statement that He “did not come to call the righteous, but sinners” is a rich statement that could be preached on for days. There have also been many inspirational sermons presented on the nature of the new life we have in Jesus Christ based on what Jesus says in Matthew 9:17 about new wine being put into new wineskins. In fact, many years ago there was a church renewal movement started based on this passage. However, no matter how motivational and inspirational a sermon may be, if it misses the point of the Biblical text, it is a very poor sermon and could even descend into heresy. A passage of Scripture cannot be properly understood without its context.

Turn with me to Luke 5:27-39. The parallel passages are Matthew 9:9-17 and Mark 2:13-22. As you are turning there, let me set the context for you.


The theme of Matthew’s gospel is that Jesus is the promised Messiah and throughout his account Matthew continually stresses that point. Mark and Luke make similar emphasis in their accounts. Mark’s focus is that Jesus is the Son of Man who came to serve and give His life a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). Luke’s emphasis is that Jesus is the Son of Man who came to seek and save sinners (Luke 19:10). In all three accounts, whether they are chronological such as Luke or thematic such as Matthew, there is a progression in presenting Jesus’ authority as the promised Messiah. Luke simply presents Jesus’ miracles in the order they happened while Matthew groups them thematically to demonstrate that Jesus has authority over disease and sickness, nature and the supernatural.

We have seen Jesus’ authority over nature in His turning the water into wine at the wedding in Capernaum (John 2) (See: The Wedding at Cana). Jesus will continue to demonstrate that authority by instantly calming the waters of the sea (Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:36-41) and walking on water (Matthew 14:24-33; Mark 6:47-51). Jesus has authority over sickness and disease as demonstrated in His healing Peter’s mother-in-law of the fever that had put her in bed and many others of their various diseases that same day (Luke 4:38-41) (See: Teaching & Miracles). Jesus put his hands on the leper and healed him and made him clean (Matthew 8:1-4) See: (Following the Man That Can Forgive Sin), and healed a boy who was near death and 16 miles or more away by speaking a word (John 4:46-54) (See: Miracles and Rejection). Jesus has authority over the supernatural demonstrated by casting demons out of hosts of people. One of the first was immediately after he had finished teaching in Capernaum and a demonized man cried out. Jesus rebuked the demon and commanded it to come out, which it did, and the people were amazed (Luke 4:31-37). Later that same evening Jesus cast out many demons while He was healing people at Simon Peter’s home (Luke 4:40-41).

All of these miracles were signs that demonstrated Jesus identity as the Messiah, God in human flesh. His abilities to do these things were the proof that He also had the authority to forgive sin. We examined Him doing that in last weeks’ sermon when He told the paralytic man “your sins are forgiven.” When the scribes and Pharisees who were present questioned His authority to forgive sins since only God can do that, Jesus healed the man in their presence to prove that “the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” (Luke 5:17-26).

The power to forgive sins is of the greatest significance because sin is the root of all man’s problems and so is his greatest need. This is the context for what occurs next in all three accounts. Jesus forgave and healed a sinner who was paralyzed. Jesus had already shown great compassion toward all those who were sick. Many would understand His forgiving the man as just an extension of that compassion to someone stricken with a severe ailment. But what about people who were so despised that the Jews considered them to be the equivalent of Gentiles? People they thought were excluded from being forgiven.

Jesus Calls a Publican – Matthew 9:9; Mark 2:13-14; Luke 5:27

The context of these passages is the demonstration of Jesus forgiving sinners and the change in life that brings. Luke 5:27 summarizes what occurs, After that He went out and noticed a tax collector named Levi sitting in the tax booth, and He said to him, “Follow Me.” Mark 2:13-14 adds more detail, 13 And He went out again by the seashore; and all the people were coming to Him, and He was teaching them. 14 As He passed by, He saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting in the tax booth, and He said to him, “Follow Me!” And he got up and followed Him. Matthew 9:9 adds the detail that this man was also known as Matthew.

No text states how much time passed from when Jesus forgave and healed the paralytic until this event occurs, but it would not have been a long time. Jesus has gone out from Capernaum and is walking along the road that runs by the shore of the Sea of Galilee when He comes to the booth of the tax collector. We are not told exactly what the booth looked like. It could have been a small building or just a table with some sort of covering for shade. Sitting in the tax booth is a Jewish man named Levi the son of Alphaeus. He is also known at Matthew.

All three gospel accounts state that Jesus simply commanded him saying, “Follow Me!” While it seems so simple, this is an incredible command. Last week I pointed out that the common thought among the Jews at that time was that a person who was handicapped was crippled in direct relationship to their sin or the sin of their parents or grandparents. That is why the paralytic man was such a good opportunity for Jesus to teach the religious leaders listening to Him that He had the power to forgive sins. When Jesus said to that man, “Take courage, My son, your sins are forgiven.” It was already assumed that man was a sinner in great need of forgiveness.

But now we have the example of Jesus calling one of the most despised classes of people in all Israel to follow Him. Tax collectors as a whole were despised. They were called “publicani” and seen as traitors to the nation. A publican was a national that bought a franchise from Rome that gave them the right to collect the taxes, the tribute, that Rome pl
aced on the countries they had conquered. The advantage to the one who held the franchise to collect the taxes was that Rome asked for a fixed amount, but anything collected above that could be kept by the publican. This led to all sorts of abuses of the system. Now, no one enjoys taxes (except certain politicians that like to levy them). Even in our own country where we do have some say in our taxation through our elected representatives, few are happy have get a call from an IRS agent. Now imagine if that IRS agent was not collecting taxes for the benefit of your own community and nation, but for another nation, an enemy nation such as Iran. Add to that indignation the fact that he was getting rich in the deal by collecting more taxes from you than you owed. That gives you some idea about the feelings against these publicans.

Alfred Edersheim reports that a Jewish publican was barred from the synagogue and forbidden to have any religious or social contact with his fellow Jews. He was ranked with the unclean animals. He was put in the class of swine along with robbers and murderers. He was considered a traitor, a congenital liar, and barred from giving testimony in a Jewish court as a person without position.

There were three kinds of publicans, and Matthew was in the worst category. There were the gabbai who collected general taxes such as those on land, property, and income. Next were the great mokhes who held the franchise from Rome that allowed them to collect a wide variety of taxes including import duties, toll way fees, business taxes, etc. They had almost unlimited latitude in their power and could attach a tax to almost any article or activity including a boat, the fish caught, the dock where the fish were unloaded, a donkey, servants, goods, etc. They could even open private letters to see if a taxable business of some sort might be related to the correspondence. But the great mokhes protected their reputation to some degree by hiring others to do their dirty work. These were the small mokhes, and that is what Matthew was. The gabbai were despised, the great mokhes more despised, and the small mokhes were despised the most.

It was to a small mokhes named Levi, or Matthew (gift of Yaweh) that Jesus says, “Follow Me!” Matthew must have certainly known about Jesus either from personal experience in hearing Him in person or hearing about Him from the reports of the people. I tend to picture Matthew as a man who has heard the gracious words of our Lord, but looking at himself and saying to himself something like, “What Jesus says is wonderful, but they could never apply to someone like me who is a publican.” But the day comes when Jesus is walking along the road by the seashore and comes upon Matthew sitting in his tax office and He says to him, “Follow Me!” It was clear to those who saw this take place, and it was clear to the early Jewish readers of Matthew’s gospel, that Jesus extended His forgiveness to even the most despised outcasts of society.

The Publican’s Response: Matthew 9:9-17; Mark 2:14-22; Luke 5:28-39

Matthew 9:9 simply states that Jesus commanded him, “Follow me!” And he rose, and followed Him. There is no hesitation. He gets up immediately and follows Jesus. Matthew is modest about the personal cost of following Jesus in his own account. Luke 4:28 states that “he left everything behind, and rose and followed Him.” Of all the disciples, Matthew paid the highest financial cost in following the Lord. There would be no returning to this job. Someone else would take his post. Matthew knew the cost and willingly paid it without hesitation.

Edersheim says of Matthew, “He said not a word, for his soul was in the speechless surprise of unexpected grace.” Matthew’s further response bears this out. There was no mourning at all about what he had left behind. Instead, he has extreme joy over the grace extended to him demonstrated by what he does next. Luke 5:29, And Levi gave a big reception for Him in his house; and there was a great crowd of tax collectors and other people who were reclining at the table with them.

What do you do when you are very happy and have great news that you want to celebrate and someone you want your friends to meet? You throw a party, and that is what Matthew does. But if you are in a class of people that is despised by most of the community, who do you invite? Luke states that he invites “tax gatherers and others.” The tax collectors are his co-workers and among the few with whom he could be friends, but who are the others? The particular word used here (a[lloV / allos) means others of the same kind. Matthew and Mark state that they were “sinners.” These would be Jews who were also outcasts of society for various reasons – prostitutes, criminals, Hellenists and the non-religious. It may have included Gentiles who were his friends as well.

There is no doubt that Matthew wanted them to know what Jesus had done for him and could do for them too. Matthew invited Jesus and His disciples to his home for a reception and then invited his friends who were sinners to come meet Jesus and hear his good news. The result was that these tax-gatherers and sinners were “reclining at table” with Jesus and His disciples (Matthew 9:10).Jesus, God in human flesh, the Holy one of Israel, is dining with the outcasts of Jewish society.

The Response of the Self-Righteous– Matthew 9:11, Mark 2:16, Luke 5:30

Luke 5:29 is specific that this banquet Matthew was holding in Jesus’ honor and so that his friends could meet Him was at his house, but apparently it was a location in which those who were attending could easily be seen by those who were not attending. Both Matthew 9:11 and Mark 2:16 state that the scribes and Pharisees saw Jesus dinning with those invited to Matthew’s banquet. Luke 5:27 tells us what resulted from that, The Pharisees and their scribes began grumbling at His disciples, saying, “Why do you eat and drink with the tax collectors and sinners?” Matthew and Mark point out that it was not so much that the disciples were eating with sinners, but that Jesus, their Teacher, was eating with them.

These were not questions of inquiry. They were grumbling. These are rhetorical questions of rebuke to the disciples of Jesus aimed at Jesus. The point of their statement to the disciples was a challenge to them along the lines of, “how can you attach yourselves as followers of such a man who associates with such sinful people.” They reasoned that if Jesus was really a man of God, then He should not be in the company of such wicked people. If Jesus was really a man of God, He should be dinning with good and upright people like themselves. Of course, none of them had invited Jesus to a dine with them, but that was beside their point that Jesus should not be in the company of those kinds of people.

Let me quickly give you a couple of questions that need to be considered concerning these Pharisees. First, why are they following Jesus around and so interested to see with whom He is dining? In current times, I suppose we expect it from the paparazzi who follow celebrities around trying to get the latest gossip to publish in their tabloids, but these are religious leaders in ancient times. Are they also interested in gossip or are they already trying to find a way to discredit Jesus? Remember, Jesus had already challenged their evil manner of thinking when He forgave the sins of the paralyzed man and healed him.

Second, why do they put the challenge to the disciples of Jesus instead of to Jesus Himself? If they were interested in the truth about Jesus, what He taught and why He did things, wouldn’t it be better to ask those questions directly of Him? Perhaps they have felt the sting of conviction for their own sinfulness when they have heard Him teach or talked with Him in the past. They avoid Jesus while striving to intimidate the disciples. You would think they would have someth
ing better to do. The Pharisees judged everyone else by their own standards and traditions. As far as they were concerned, righteous people associate with righteous people and sinners with sinners. Jesus claims to be from God, but He associates with sinners, therefore He could not be who He claimed. This is their case against Jesus and all the proof they wanted to conclude that Jesus was not from God regardless of His teaching and the many miracles He performed.

Jesus’ Response – Matthew 9:14-15; Mark 2:17; Luke 5:31-32

When Jesus heard about what the scribes and Pharisees were saying, He then went out and talked with them directly. All three gospel account record nearly the same thing, but Matthew 9:12 & 13 gives a fuller account of Jesus’ response. “But when He heard this, He said, ‘It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means, ‘I desire compassion, and not sacrifice,’ for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.'”

Jesus makes three arguments against their premise that He should not associate with sinners and in favor of His ministry of forgiveness and reconciliation as demonstrated by His willingness to associate with sinners.

Argument from Medicine: The first argument is based in the realities of medicine. It is a very simple and logical argument. Healthy people do not need a physician. It is the sick that need to see the doctor. This same principle applies to the spiritual world as it does for the physical one. Those who are spiritually healthy do not need a spiritual physician, only those who are spiritually sick. A doctor is expected to go out to those who are sick. What sort of doctor would spend all of his time with healthy people and would refuse to associate with those that were sick? The implied rebuke was clear. The Pharisees claimed to be those closest to God, but they avoided sinners instead of helping them. The scribes and Pharisees were quick to diagnose the disease of sin in others, but they offered no cure, no comfort, and no compassion. All they did was pronounce judgment.

One other point should also be made here. People who are sick but refuse to acknowledge it do not go to doctors. I am sure all of us know people like that. It is obvious to everyone else that there is a problem, but they say it is nothing, they’re okay, they will be fine, and they do not go to the doctor even though it is plain to everyone else they need a doctor. Only people who recognize that they are sick go to the doctor. The Pharisees were sick as they could be because their hearts were twisted by self-righteousness, yet they saw themselves as in perfect spiritual health. For that reason they refused to seek the spiritual physician and instead criticized Him. The publicans and sinners knew they were sick. They wanted a spiritual physician.

Argument from Scripture: Jesus’ second argument is from Scripture. He quotes from Hosea 6:6, “I desire compassion, and not sacrifice.” This was a very stinging rebuke to them for several reasons. First, Jesus preceded the Scriptural quote with the phrase, “go and learn,” which was the common phrase used by the Rabbis to rebuke those who did not know something they should have already known. It was a stinging rebuke against their supposed superior knowledge. Second, the scripture quote itself was directly against their thinking and actions. They were more concerned with carrying out every minute regulation they had set up in their vain attempt to be righteous than in carrying out what the Mosaic Law actually said. They missed the whole message of God’s patience, mercy, and forgiveness running throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Third, the fact that the quote was from Hosea made the point even more forceful because the story of Hosea’s continuing love and forgiveness to his wife Gomer, though she was unfaithful in the extreme, was God’s living illustration of His love and forgiveness to Israel, though they had been unfaithful in the extreme. The story was a picture of God’s desire for compassion and mercy rather than sacrifice. Without the heart, all the rituals, ceremonies, and sacrifices of the Pharisees were unacceptable to God. Without mercy, they were shown to be more ungodly than the sinners who made no pretense of godliness.

Argument from Purpose: The third argument was based on the very purpose for which Jesus came which was to save His people from their sins (Matthew. 1:21).Jesus says here, “I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” This is a common theme throughout Jesus’ teaching and actions toward people. He is compassionate and forgiving as He was to the paralytic man. There are only two groups for whom Jesus had harsh words and actions. The first are the money-changers and marketers who had made the temple a place for thieves. The second are the self-righteous religious leaders who claimed to know and show the way to God, but were instead leading people to hell. To sinners, you never find this harshness. Instead, there is compassion and mercy. Jesus healed their diseases and cast out their demons. He wept over Jerusalem’s hardness of heart. His consistent call was like that He gave to the woman caught in adultery, “Where are your accusers? Neither do I accuse you. Go and sin no more.” He never excused sin, but was always extended grace to the sinner who admitted his condition.


Jesus did not come to call the righteous. If a person could have been truly righteous, there would be no need for Him to call them. If such a person existed, there would be nothing to forgive and they would qualify for heaven on their own merits. Jesus’ call to repent and be forgiven goes out to the self-righteous, but such people would not heed it because they see no need for it. Jesus came to call sinners to Himself. It is the poor in spirit that enter the kingdom of God. Repentant sinners receive mercy, grace, and salvation. Unrepentant sinners and the self-righteous remain condemned in their sins.

What a wonderful truth this is to me because it means that Jesus’ came to call me to Himself. And if you will admit your own sinfulness, it means He came to call you to Himself too.


Parents, you are responsible to apply God’s Word to your children’s lives. Here is some help. Young Children – draw a picture about something you hear during the sermon. Explain your picture(s) to your parents at lunch. Older Children – Do one or more of the following: 1) Count how many times the word “sin” or “sinner” is used.2) Discuss with your parents the purpose of Jesus becoming a man.


Questions to consider in discussing the sermon with others. Why is context so important in order to properly understand a Biblical passage? Over what things did Jesus demonstrate that He had authority? Why is that important to the context of Luke 5:27-32? Where did Jesus find Matthew? What was Matthew doing? What is a publican? Why were they so despised by the rest of Jewish society? What restrictions were placed on them by the rest of society? Why would Jesus call a publican to follow Him? What did Matthew have to leave behind in order to follow Jesus? How long did it take for Matthew to decide if he should follow Jesus or not? Why did Matthew throw a large banquet for Jesus? What kind of friends did Matthew have that he could invite? What was the response of Jesus and His disciples to Matthew’s friends? How would the scribes and Pharisees know what Jesus was doing at Matthew’s party? Why would what Jesus was doing bother them? Why didn’t they talk to Jesus directly instead of His disciples? What did Jesus do when He heard about their questioning His
disciples? Jesus made three arguments to show the scribes and Pharisees that they were wrong and that it was necessary for Him to do what He was doing. Explain each (Matthew 9:14-15): The Argument from Medicine; The Argument from Scripture; The Argument from Purpose. Would a truly righteous man need to be saved by Jesus? Explain. Why would a self-righteous person ignore Jesus? Why is it that only the poor in spirit can enter the kingdom of God? Which kind of person describes you?

Sermon Notes – 9/15/2013

Jesus Came for Sinners – Matthew 9:9-17; Mark 2:13-22; Luke 5:27-39



Context is _______________ in being able to understand the Scriptures

A motivational / inspirational sermon that misses the point of the Biblical text is still a _________ sermon


Each gospel writer progresses in presenting Jesus’ ___________ as the promised Messiah

Jesus has authority over ____________- turning water into wine, walking on water, calming the seas

Jesus has authority over every kind of sickness and ___________- with or without touching or being present

Jesus has authority over the _________________ – rebuking and casting out demons

Jesus has authority to ________________ – proven by healing the paralytic

The context is the demonstration of Jesus forgiving sinners and the _____________ in life that brings

Jesus Calls a Publican – Matthew 9:9; Mark 2:13-14; Luke 5:27

Jesus sees Matthew the _________________in his booth on the road from Capernaum by the sea of Galilee

Jesus commands Matthew to “_____________” – An incredible command considering Matthew’s position

A publican was a national who collected taxes for a _____________government – they were usually corrupt

Jewish publicans were ______________from the synagogue and religious and social contact with other Jews

gabbai collected general taxes. Great Mokhes had the tax _______________

Matthew was a small mokhes that collected the taxes and so was the most despised

Jesus extended His forgiveness and call to the most _________________ in society

The Publican’s Response: Matthew 9:9-17; Mark 2:14-22; Luke 5:28-39

Matthew follows Jesus without ___________________ though it cost him a very lucrative job

Matthew gave a large _________________ for Jesus so that his friends could meet Him

Matthew’s friends are other tax-gatherers and other like them – ______________ of all types

Jesus, His disciples and Matthew and his friends are “reclining at table” – ____________ together

The Response of the Self-Righteous– Matthew 9:11, Mark 2:16, Luke 5:30

The banquet is at Matthew’s ____________, but others could see who was invited and dinning together

The scribes and Pharisees _________________ and rebuked Jesus’ disciples for eating with sinners

Why were they interested in following Jesus and seeing with whom He was ______________?

Why do they question Jesus’ _________________instead of Jesus Himself?

The scribes and Pharisees believed that the righteous __________with the righteous and sinners with sinners

Jesus’ Response – Matthew 9:14-15; Mark 2:17; Luke 5:31-32

    Argument from Medicine: The healthy do not need a _________________, the sick do

A doctor that spent his time with healthy people and would not see sick people is a _____________

The scribes and Pharisees were quick to diagnose ___________, but offered no cure, comfort or compassion

People who refuse to acknowledge they are sick will ______________ to a doctor

The scribes and Pharisees were sick with sin, but their _________righteousness blinded them from seeing it

    Argument from Scripture: Jesus quotes from ____________ 6:6 – a stinging rebuke

The phrase “go and learn” was used by the Rabbis to ____________those who should have already known

The particular quote was directed at their thinking and actions – they missed the point of the Mosaic ______

Hosea was a book about God’s compassion and ______________ on a sinful people

    Argument from Purpose: Jesus did not come to call the righteous, but _____________

Jesus is compassionate and merciful to all sinners that ______________

Jesus is ______________to those who dishonor God and the self-righteous


If a person could be truly righteous, they would have ___________________ for salvation from Jesus

The self-righteous do not see their sin and so they __________________________their need for a savior

It is the ________________________________that enter the kingdom of God – the repentant receive mercy

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