Sermon Notes

Sermon Notes – June 27, 2021

The Man of Lawlessness, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12


Opinions may be helpful, but convictions need to arise from careful study of the ___________ text



Paul does not want them to be shaken in mind or disturbed by thinking they were _____the day of the Lord

The unstated apodosis of vs 3 comes from vs. 2 – “the day of the Lord is not ___________.”

Paul ties the day of the Lord directly to the ________(appearance) of Jesus & our gathering together to Him

Paul’s teaching to the Thessalonians about the day of the Lord includes: *It will come like a ________in the night, *It will not overtake believers for they are not in darkness, *Believers are not subject to the ______of God that will be in it, *It is not present unless the apostasy comes first & the man of lawlessness is revealed.

Apostasy (ajpostasiva / apostasia) is a compound word meaning to “stand _________from” – rebel / depart

Context determines meaning – context here demands a clearly identifiable __________- “the apostasy”

Immediate context ties this to the ____________(vs. 1 & 1 Thess. 4:13-18) – the saints departure from earth

They could not be in the day of the Lord for they had not been caught up & __________to Jesus – the rapture

The Identification of the Man of Lawlessness – 2 Thessalonians 2:3-5

From Daniel 9:24-27 we learn this man is first revealed when he makes a firm _____________with the Jews

He is further identified as the man that will set up the _____________of desolation (Dan 9, 11, 12; Matt 24)

Paul had already taught them these things that are in ____________prophecies about the man of lawlessness

He is the “little horn” of Daniel 7, and Daniel 11:36-45 give __________ about his actions

He will prosper until God’s indignation that _________& purifies Israel is finished (Daniel 11:36; 12:10-11)

The Restrainer – 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7

There are many opinions, but only the ____________can be referred to with both neuter & masculine nouns

Genesis 6:3 – The Holy Spirit strives with man and He ________the world of sin, righteousness & judgment

Prior to Pentecost, the Holy Spirit would come upon a person but could also ____________

In the church age, the Holy Spirit _______& stays with believers enabling them to know, grow & serve God

The Thessalonians understood Paul’s reference having first hand ____________of the Holy Spirit’s ministry

The Holy Spirit’s direct convicting and His empowering of believers is a strong influence that _________sin

Throughout history there has been an ________relationship between prevalence of sin & Christian influence

Current evil actions are ___________compared to what happens in the Tribulation (Rev. 6-18; Matt. 24)

Evil increases when the Holy Spirit goes “out of the _____” – makes way for the man of lawlessness to come

Both logically & contextually this will happen at the ______of the church & the Spirit changes His ministry

The Activity & End of the Man of Lawlessness – 2 Thessalonians 2:8-10

Paul explains the _________of the man of lawlessness before describing what he will do after he is revealed

The description in 2 Thess. 2:8 matches that of _______________________

His actions are __________in origin and nature for Satan has always been a deceiver (Gen. 3:13; Eph. 6:11)

Satan and the man of lawlessness will use ____________to sway people to sin – Matt. 24:24; Rev. 13:11-15

The deceptions are strong, but the __________do not fall for them, but those do not accept the truth will fall

The Delusion – 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12

God is patient & longsuffering, but He will eventually ___________a person in their rebellion.

In Romans 1:18-32, God’s wrath is demonstrated by His yielding people to their increasing ________desires

In Exodus 5-11; Pharaoh hardened his own heart____times before God confirmed him in it & hardened him

In 1 Kings 22, the kings followed the advice of the ________prophets even after Micaiah told them the truth

There will be a future supernatural increase in the intensity of false teaching – but that also occurs ________

You protect yourself from false teaching by ___________what is taught by the Scriptures (1 John 4:1-6)

What is good will match the character of ________ & His commands – what is evil will not


We live in “upside down world,” yet take heart because our ____________is in the Lord’s hands

Believers ______________________for the nasty events that occur after the man of lawlessness is revealed

We are to warn those that do not believe to ________the wrath to come – repent & believe on the Lord Jesus

KIDS KORNER – Parents, you are responsible to apply God’s Word to your children’s lives. Here is some help. Young Children – draw a picture about something you hear during the sermon. Explain your picture(s) to your parents at lunch. Older Children – count how many times “the man of lawlessness” is mentioned. Talk to your parents about why this man is so evil – and how you can avoid being influenced by evil people.

THINK ABOUT IT – Questions to consider in understanding the sermon and its application. Why do you think there is such diversity in the interpretation of 2 Thessalonians? How can you can confidence to know the correct interpretation? Summarize Paul’s concern for the Thessalonians and how he removed their reason for being troubled in mind and disturbed? What is the connection between the day of the Lord and “the parousiva / parousia (appearance / presence) of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him.” What does Paul teach in 1 & 2 Thessalonians concerning the day of the Lord? What is the meaning of apostasy? Why does the grammar and context support this being a reference to the rapture? If you believe this is a falling away from the faith, what specific falling away is Paul referring to and who would that fit his description of the day of the Lord? Who is the man of lawlessness? What is the relationship between what Paul says about him in 2 Thess. 2 and the prophecies of Daniel? According to Daniel 9:24-27, what will he do that will reveal his identity. What will he do half way through the seven year Tribulation period? Why is that significant? Why does Paul refer to it in 2 Thess. 2? How does the text lead to the conclusion that the one who restrains is the Holy Spirit instead of any of the many other suggestions about it? How does the Holy Spirit restrain sin in the present time? What will change in the ministry of the Holy Spirit after the church is raptured? How will that allow the man of lawlessness to be revealed? What will eventually happen to the man of lawlessness? When will that happen? How does the man of lawlessness demonstrate that he is “in accord with the activity of Satan”? Upon whom does God send a deluding influence? Why does he do that? Has he done that in the past? How can you protect yourself against Satan’s schemes and deceptions? What should tell others about this?