Tentative Sermon Schedule

2024 Sermon Tentative Schedule – A.M

Updated June 4, 2024

Date Music / Special Text     Title/Point of Sermon
6/9     Marriage: The Role of Women / Wives – respect, submission & support
6/16   Father’s Day Marriage: The Role of Men / Husbands – love, sacrifice & leadership
6/23 Request: The Love of God” #157 Ephesians 1 Jim Zieger – In Him. (Pastor traveling to IFCA Convention – Springfield, Arkansas)
6/30   TBD Mark Artis (Pastor traveling from IFCA Convention – Springfield, Arkansas)
7/7 Communion   Marriage: The Role of Parents / Fathers & Mothers – teaching & training the next generation about the Lord and life
7/14     Marriage: Communication Skills 1 – Effective Transmission – Overcoming barriers to clearly sharing thoughts, ideas and emotions
7/21     Marriage: Communication Skills 2 – Edifying Content – What God wants us to do in communicating to each other – subjects and manner
7/28     Marriage: Communication Skills 3 – Fighting Fairly – How to disagree in an agreeable manner and strive for unity.
8/4 Communion   Marriage: Overcoming Hurt – A godly marriage is a great blessing, an ungodly marriage is a great curse – how to survive and thrive even in a difficult marriage – Unequally yoked, ungodly spouse
8/11     Marriage: Finding a Godly Spouse – Preparing for marriage by developing godly characteristics in yourself and finding a godly person to marry
8/18     Marriage: Physical Intimacy – Maintaining God’s purposes and resisting worldliness – fornication, adultery and sexual perversions (including pornography of all types) are abominations to God but are the siren call of the world to physical / mental / emotional pleasure and fulfillment.
8/25     Marriage: Dissolution – God’s commands concerning separation and divorce
9/1   Matthew 24:1-14 The Beginning of Future Tribulation (corresponds with Rev. 6 seals)
9/8   Matthew 24:15-28 The Great Tribulation (begins with the Abomination of Desolation)
9/15   Matthew 24:29-31 The Sign of His Coming

Glorifying God By Making Disciples Of The Lord Jesus Christ