VBS Workers Policy

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Vacation Bible School Worker Policies

Grace Bible Church, Wappingers Falls, NY

1) Each VBS worker will be knowledgeable with and follow the GBC
Children’s / Youth Worker Policies
and will complete and sign the
Participation Covenant
and be approved by the VBS Director prior to
beginning any work with the children. (Those who are not members of GBC must
also agree to and abide by General Non-Member Policies for Children’s & Youth

2) Safety. All activities will be done with the utmost attention given to the
safety and welfare of the children.

3)) "The Two Worker Policy" – A teacher with only one student but no other
worker present will join in with another class until there is an additional
worker or student. At no time may anything obstruct the view into the classroom
from either the outside windows, the door widow or the video surveillance
camera. A single teacher may teach alone if there is more than one student
present, however, the VBS Director must be notified.

4) VBS workers are to participate in the meetings called for them by their
Director. If they cannot attend they are to notify their Director.

5) VBS workers are to arrive a minimum of 20 minutes prior to the starting
time in order to participate in the prayer time and to make sure that final
preparations of both themselves and the room are completed and are ready to
receive and welcome the students

6 ) VBS workers are to take an active interest in the lives of their students
which will include at minimum regular prayer for each student. Teachers are also
to make sure that enrolled students that miss a session are contacted. (This can
be done by phone, e-mail or a personal visit). The teacher is also to make sure
each student is contacted following VBS (by any method already listed or letter
/ postcard).

7) VBS teachers are encouraged to have contact with the parents of their
students in order to know how they might best assist the parents in teaching
their child to know and follow the Lord. This is also an excellent way to
witness to non-Christian parents.

8) VBS teachers are encouraged to make prior arrangements with an approved
substitute teachers for planned absences as early as possible. They are to make
sure the VBS Director has been notified. If an absence will be due to illness or
other emergency the VBS Director should be notified as soon as possible so that
other arrangements can be made.

9) Games & Crafts will be age appropriate and done with the utmost
consideration given to the safety and welfare of the children. All game & craft
activities must receive prior approval by the particular Director of that
ministry and the VBS Director.

10) Snacks should be fun, but also have nutritional value in order to help
the children gain the needed energy, but also be able to pay attention in class.
Care must be taken to accommodate all children with food allergies.

11) Discipline. A child that disrupts is given three warnings. On the second
warning they are to be isolated to a chair separate from the rest of the group
for the remainder of the class time. The parent is to be notified after class.
On the third warning the child is to sent to the VBS Director and the matter
will be discussed with the parent / guardian. A child that reaches the third
warning twice within the week will be asked to not attend the remainder of the
VBS Sessions.

Glorifying God By Making Disciples Of The Lord Jesus Christ