WSC / Deaconess Responsibilities

Policy on Women’s Servant Council / Deaconess Responsibilities
Grace Bible Church  (Approved 7/7/24)

(To download a PDF version of this document – Click here)

The Scriptures indicate a woman who ministers in this capacity is a servant of the church and helper to the Elders (1 Timothy 3:11; Romans 16:1-2) and may be referred to as a female (diavkonoV / diakonos – Deaconess. Specific duties of the WSC / Deaconesses are defined by the Elders according to the needs of the church and are set forth in this Policy on WSC / Deaconess Responsibilities. The members of the WSC / Deaconesses assist the Elders in ministering to the congregation, especially the females in the church. All ministry authority is retained by the Elders even when exercised through specific responsibilities entrusted to the WSC / Deaconesses. The church authority structure can be expressed in the following flow chart.

Jesus / Bible

↙ ← Elders → ↘

       ↙             ↙    ↓   ↘               ↘

Deacons ← Policies ↓ Policies → WSC / Deaconesses

↓ ↓ ↓

↓ ↓ ↓

↓ ↓ ↓


The following definitions will be applied to these phrases and terms used in this policy.

Maintain” = Responsibility that belong specifically to the WSC / Deaconesses and may not be transferred to others.

“Implement” = A ministry area that needs to be started, revitalized or re-organized, but that work can be done so by those working under the WSC / Deaconesses.

“Supervise” = The specific ministry can be done by others under the supervision of the WSC / Deaconesses.

In addition to the general responsibilities listed in the Grace Bible Church Constitution, Article VI, Section E, the Women’s Servant Council / Deaconesses shall:

a.   Organize themselves yearly after Annual Church Business Meeting with the minimum following officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary. (Job descriptions of each are listed at the end of this document)

b.   Organize and supervise benevolence ministries to those in need of meals, home cleaning or personal assistance (the sick, shut-ins, new mothers, etc.). They will coordinate with the Deacons for these needs and home needs greater than general house cleaning.

c.   Organize and supervise the church nursery including staffing, training and facility condition. They will coordinate with the Deacons for any maintenance issues. (Remodeling of the nursery requires Elder approval).

d.   Organize and supervise church fellowships as scheduled by the Elders. This includes the following annual fellowships: Resurrection Sunday Breakfast, Church Picnic and Harvest Dinner.

e.   Organize and supervise set up and meals for the Guest & Newcomers lunches as scheduled by the Elders. Maintain a list of Church Officers and ministry leaders that can be invited to attend on a rotating basis as available. (Those invited may bring their family)

f.   Supervise Women’s Fellowships

g.   Organize and supervise the regular cleaning of the church facilities. This includes maintaining cleaning and restroom supplies.

h.   Organize and supervise a pantry for benevolence needs

i.   Under the direction of the Elders, establish and maintain a weekly Women’s Bible Study and / or prayer meeting.

j.   Organize and supervise the church kitchen including supplies of paper goods, cups, coffee, tea and condiments

k.Assist with the semi-annual All Church Workday maintenance and repair projects

l.   Organize & maintain a Lost and Found. This includes giving away or disposing of items as necessary.

m. Organize & supervise church decorations (flowers, seasonal decorations, etc.)

n.   Prepare the Matzoh and grape juice for Communion Services

o.   Form sub-committees as needed for carrying out their responsibilities

Job Descriptions

Chair: Organizes, sets the agenda and runs the meetings of the WSC / Deaconesses. Responsible to make sure reports for which WSC / Deaconesses are responsible are given at Church Business Meetings.

Vice-Chair: Assists the Chair in carrying out his responsibilities. Substitutes for the Chair when the chair is not available.

Secretary: Records, reports and distributes the minutes of the meetings of the WSC / Deaconesses.

Note: Specific job descriptions for those handling specific responsibilities – kitchen, pantry, nursery, etc., can be written by the WSC / Deaconesses as they organize to fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to them in this policy

Glorifying God By Making Disciples Of The Lord Jesus Christ